Meet the Model
Hi, my name is Sophia
Relationship to us
Dominique is my auntie and I model for Westmorland Sheepskins (and go to School)
More about me
The rest I can’t tell you as this is going on the Internet and I'm only a kid!
Working with us
I like to model for Westmorland Sheepskin because it’s fun and you get to try on new stuff like different slippers, Gilets and get lots of photos taken by a photographer called Lisa and she’s very nice.
I remember the first time I had my picture done for the website. It was by my auntie's house and she took it on her phone. I was modelling gilet's and said that having my hair done for the pictures was too much hard work. You try having my hair!
My Favourites
I am moving house soon and I’ve asked my auntie for a creme natural sheepskin rug but have lots more of favourites though. My friend called Ava has got a rug in her bedroom too!
My favourite slippers are the Sara slider slippers and the Annie slippers with the gold on them – they are so cool!
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